

Information Use

Privacy Policy

Korea Airport Limousine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') values your personal information and complies strictly with the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection." This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you how your personal information is collected, used, and protected. 

Effective Date: July 29, 2024

1. Information Collection and Methods

The Company collects the following personal information to provide services.

  - Personal Information: Name, email, mobile phone number

  - Information Generated During Service Use: Service usage records, IP addresses, cookies, visit dates, etc.

Collection Methods: Website, phone, email

2. Purpose of Collection and Use

The Company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes.

  - Fulfilling service contracts and providing services

  - Member management

  - Customer service and complaint handling

  - Marketing and advertising

3. Retention and Use Period

In principle, personal information will be promptly destroyed once the purpose of collection and use is fulfilled. However, in cases where retention is required by law, the Company will retain personal information for the following periods.

  - Records of contracts or withdrawal of subscription: 5 years

  - Records of payments and supply of goods: 5 years

  - Records of consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years

4. Destruction Procedure and Method

When personal information is no longer needed due to the expiration of the retention period or achievement of the processing purpose, it will be promptly destroyed.

  - Destruction Procedure: Unnecessary personal information is moved to a separate database and stored for a certain period before destruction.

  - Destruction Method: For electronic files, they are permanently deleted using methods that prevent recovery, and other records are shredded or incinerated.

5. Provision of Personal Information

In principle, the Company does not provide personal information to external parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.

  - When users have given prior consent

  - When required by law or in response to a request from law enforcement agencies according to legal procedures

6. Outsourcing of Personal Information

To carry out services, the Company entrusts personal information processing tasks to external specialized companies as follows.

  - Outsourcing Partner: AnyWiz Co., Ltd.

  - Tasks: Website and system management (hosting/maintenance)

7. User Rights and How to Exercise Them

  - Users can view or modify their registered personal information at any time and request account cancellation.

  - To view or modify personal information, click on 'Change Personal Information' (or 'Update Member Information'); for account cancellation, click 'Withdraw Membership' and follow the verification process.

  - Contact the Personal Information Protection Officer via written request, phone, or email for prompt action.

  - Legal representatives of children under 14 years old have the right to view or modify personal information and withdraw consent for collection and use.

8. Cookies

The Company uses cookies to provide personalized services by storing and retrieving user information.

  - Purpose of Cookies: To analyze access frequency or visit times and improve services

  - Cookie Settings: You can accept all cookies, be notified when a cookie is stored, or refuse all cookies by adjusting your web browser settings.

9. Security Measures

The Company implements necessary technical, administrative, and physical measures to ensure the security of personal information in accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

  - Minimizing and educating personnel handling personal information

  - Restricting access to personal information

  - Controlling access for unauthorized individuals

10. Personal Information Protection Officer and Customer Service

The Company designates a Personal Information Protection Officer to oversee personal information processing and address complaints and remedy issues.

  - Customer Service and Personal Information Inquiries: 02-2667-0386

11. Reporting and Consulting on Privacy Issues

For reporting or consulting on personal information violations, contact the following organizations.

  - Personal Information Infringement Report Center (privacy.kisa.or.kr / 118)

  - Supreme Prosecutors' Office Cyber Investigation Division (www.spo.go.kr / 1301)

  - Cyber Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency (police.go.kr / 182)

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective from the implementation date and will be updated with changes, deletions, or corrections. Any changes will be notified through announcements at least 7 days before the changes take effect.